A new challenge in the study of young stars:Massive HBE stars, N. Z. Ismailov, H. N. Adigozalzade |
On spectral classes of seyfert galaxies and their evolution, N. A.Huseynov, V. M.Khalilov, P. N.Shustarev |
The galactic distribution of Wolf-Rayet stars,
J. N. Rustamov, A. F.Abdulkarimova |
Determination of the content of molecular hydrogen in atmospheres Uranus and Neptune, A. A. Atai, Z. S. Farziev |
BVRCIC Photometric monitoring of the seyfert galaxy NGC 3516 in 2017-2021, S. R. Rahimli, V. M. Tahirov, N. A. Huseynov |
Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the supernovae SN2020JEE, N. Z.Ismailov, Kh. M.Mikhailov, O. V.Khalilov, I. A.Alekberov,
S. A.Alishov |
BVRCIC monitoring of the seyfert galaxy of the first type NGC 7469, Z. F.Binnatova,B. I.Abdullayev,N. A.Huseynov |
Study of solar flares in centimetr range by dynamical methods, S. Sh.Huseynov, Sh. Sh.Huseynov |
Fundamental parametres of supergiant star HD 187982 (A2 IA), Z. A.Samedov,A. Sh.Baloglanov, G. M.Hajiyeva, S. Sh.Rajabova |