A word on the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli, Isa Habibbeyli
Heydar Aliyev’s Fuzuli struggle – “Ask what kind of love this is…”, Elnara Akimova
Mahammad Fuzuli’s takhmis written to Habibi’s ghazal, Ataami Mirzayev
Mahammad Fuzuli – the first great Turkish and Turan poet, Zakulla Bayramli
Nizami Ganjavi's “Khamsa” tradition in world oriental studies, Zahra Allahverdiyeva
The fairy tale of “Good and Evil” in the poem "Seven Beauties" by Nizami Ganjavi in parallel of Azerbaijan fairy tale traditions, Ulker Bakhshiyeva
The first examples of Azerbaijan Diwan poetry and the mission of the word, Akram Hasanov
Takhmises by Masihi Tabrizi, Pari Humbetova
Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev's publicism, Salida Sharifova
Ali bey Huseynzade – the student of Istanbul Darulfunun, Azer Abilov (Azer Turan)
Karabakh environment in the creative work of Firidun Bey Kocharli, Solmaz Heyatova
A great and irreplaceable influential person of our literature (The literary portrait of Gasim Gasimzade, the poet with the emerald crown of our poetry), Gurban Bayramov
Tofiq Gaffarov’s satric-realist lyrics and prose, Kamil Adishirinov
The connections between symbol and metaphor, Gunay Garayeva
Psychologism in Sabir Ahmadov’s narrative “Trail on the hill”, Elmira Babayeva
Intermedial context as a type of interartistic relation in mythological researches (On the basis of Mirali Seyidov’s researches), Matanat Vahidova
Jamshid Amirov as a representative of detective prose, Seyidnise Letifli
Turkological researches of Ata Tarzibashi, Orkhan Isayev
Elchin’s theater of the time and the time of Elchin’s theater, Narmina Aghayeva
Elchin’s path of creativity, Dilara Adilgil
The situation of bayati genre and poetic possibilities in Azerbaijani poetry of independence period, Shamsura Ismayilova
Artistic embodiment of loyalty to the independence, national state and flag (On the story “Gazetechi Seyyid” by M.A.Rasulzade), Abid Tahirli
Literary-documentary image of Ziya Goyalp in the memories of Ahmet Agaoglu, Aysel Efendiyeva
“Reasons” for exile to Siberia of Ganjali Sabahi reflected in NKVD documents, Fikrat Suleymanoglu
The influence of People’s Poet, Samad Vurgun on South Azerbaijani poetry, Latifa Mirzayeva
A glance at the history of press in Nakhchivan, Vugar Ahmad
Azerbaijani press and Armenian nationalism during the second half of the 19th century - early 20th century (On the basis of memoir “The materials on the history of the Turkish press in the Caucasus” by M.Sh.Mirzayev), Shahbaz Shamioglu
Publicistic poetics of Sheikh Muhammad Rasizade, Lutviyya Askarzade
Mirza Alakbar Sabir and the magazine “Molla Nasraddin”, Gulbeniz Babayeva
The issue of women’s freedom in the satirical press at the beginning of the 20th century, Shahana Mammadova (Kocharli)
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