Over the DUL ETü. TUL word and their meanings in “Kalabalık korkutur, derin olsa baturur”, Osman Fikri Sertkaya |
Azerbaijani Philology: Formation and evolution, Nizami Jafarov |
Artistic interpretation of the image of Alisher Navoi in Uzbek literature, Gulbahor Ashurova |
The poetry of the Dibacha of Sadd-i-Iskandari by Alisher Navoi, Ilyos Ismoilov |
Magtymguly Pyragy’s “Diwan” and the Turkic-Oghuz languages, Ismail Kazimov |
The problem of the development of word roots in the Turkic languages, Baba Maharramli |
Translation problems of expressive means used in folklore genres, Ilhom Xolmominov |
Homonyms as a phenomenon are one of the sources of the word play, Ali Kaljanov |
Features of Hebrew term production and evaluation of its reflections in Turkish, Elshen Gurbanov, Arzu Jebe |
Tradition of sacrifice with the postmodern context before society 6.0 ecological industrial revolution super information society with the myth ritual theory in the Turkic world, Sajide Chobanoghlu |
Matthias Alexander Castrén’s Siberia trip, notes and letters, Sevil Abbasova |