Primary Body of the Science of Literary Studies, Isa Habibbeyli
Wise simplicity and nobility, Asif Rustamli
Scientific and artistic creativity of Aflatun Sarachli (Mammadov), Salida Sharifova
A prominent representative of the Lankaran literary environment in the 60s-90s of the 20th century – Mirhashim Talishli, Khalida Rahimova
The Creative Work of Abbas Sahhat in the Context of Turkism and Ummah-ism, Tayyar Salamoglu
Poems by Muhammad Hadi in “Dabistan” magazine, Sevil Garashova
From fiction to scientific literature, Gulkhani (Penah) Shukurova
Motives of Jelaleddin Rumi in the creativity of Rahil Tahirli, Lutviyya Asgerzade
Prose of Nurangiz Gun, Bahar Mammadova (Bardali)
The unity of tradition and innovation in Zalimkhan Yagub’s poetry, Aygul Chobanova
Exposing colonialism and glorifying national independence in the poetry of Almas Ildirim during the period of emigration, Hulya Jabiyeva
The March 31 genocide, 1918 through the eyes of our national press, Samira Kerimova
Methods of teaching moral and spiritual values in children's prose by Zahid Khalil, Shohrat Mammadova
The educational significance of the works written for children by Chinara Kocherli, Seadet Bayramova
Nakhchivan folklore toponyms in the researches of Safarali Babayev, Nigar Isayeva
Sarraf Gasim on ashug creativity, Tahira Baghirova
New conceptual scientific views on periodization of 1920s-1930s period of Azerbaijani literature of the Soviet period in Azerbaijani literary and theoretical thought of independence period, Yedulla Dadashli
The issues of beginning of Azerbaijani literature, Ayten Mushkiyeva