Linguist and artifical intelligence, Nadir Mammadli |
"Petrified" word roots in Turkish languages, Baba Maharramli |
Durna – achilles of Italy, Ilhami Jafarsoy |
Word order within a concept, Mayil Asgarov, Sevinj Ismayilova |
About management communication in the language of cinema, Fizuli Mustafayev |
The Peculiarites of borrowed terms in the Roman-German languages (On the basis of materials of Italian terms in the English language), Gulshan Akhundova |
The emergence and historical formation of the morpheme concept in the Azerbaijan language, Batura Aliyeva |
M.A. Rasulzade's journalism as an example of political discourse, Elnare Aliyeva |
Leadership and motivaion, Ilhame Hajiyeva, Aysel Hajiyeva |
Directions of studying syntactic paralellism from the second half of the 20th century, Aynur Guneshli |
Conceptualization and its metaphorical representation in political discourse, Aytan Allahverdiyeva |
Some notes on the linguistic features of the work “Hundred Hadiths and Hundred stories, Rakhshana Babazada |
Zoonymic vocabulary in Tajaddin Ahmed's "Jamshid and Khurshid" Masnavi, Arzu Isgandarzada |
Antithesis in the story edgü ögli tigin-ayïgh ögli tigin, Aysel Ahmadova |
Microtoponyms of Shusha District of Karabakh, Ayshen Ismayilli |
Grammatical features of Western Azerbaijan toponyms formed on the basis of dialect words, Nigar Mammadova |
The role of Kipchak tribes in the formation of lexical-semantic word groups in the Northern dialect of the Azerbaijani language, Konul Samadova |
Etymology and linguistic paleontology, Nurana Huseynova |
Formation of adjectives and adverbs from verbs, Gunay Guliyeva |
Core and periphery of the quality sphere, Narmin Mammadli |
Ethnolinguistic analysis of descriptions of heaven and hell in Azerbaijani and English folk languages, Aysel Nuriyeva |
The role of classical approaches in the formation of English grammar, Elvira Babayeva |
Ways of expressing tensional categories in the participles (based on the language of the electronic media), Sema Veliyeva |
Psycholinguistic factors in teaching English, Dilara Karimova |
The role of repetitions in text formation, Maral Huseynova |