Linguist and artifical intelligence, Nadir Mammadli
"Petrified" word roots in Turkish languages, Baba Maharramli
Durna – achilles of Italy, Ilhami Jafarsoy
Word order within a concept, Mayil Asgarov, Sevinj Ismayilova
About management communication in the language of cinema, Fizuli Mustafayev
The Peculiarites of borrowed terms in the Roman-German languages (On the basis of materials of Italian terms in the English language), Gulshan Akhundova
The emergence and historical formation of the morpheme concept in the Azerbaijan language, Batura Aliyeva
M.A. Rasulzade's journalism as an example of political discourse, Elnare Aliyeva
Leadership and motivaion, Ilhame Hajiyeva, Aysel Hajiyeva
Directions of studying syntactic paralellism from the second half of the 20th century, Aynur Guneshli
Conceptualization and its metaphorical representation in political discourse, Aytan Allahverdiyeva
Some notes on the linguistic features of the work “Hundred Hadiths and Hundred stories, Rakhshana Babazada
Zoonymic vocabulary in Tajaddin Ahmed's "Jamshid and Khurshid" Masnavi, Arzu Isgandarzada
Antithesis in the story edgü ögli tigin-ayïgh ögli tigin, Aysel Ahmadova
Microtoponyms of Shusha District of Karabakh, Ayshen Ismayilli
Grammatical features of Western Azerbaijan toponyms formed on the basis of dialect words, Nigar Mammadova
The role of Kipchak tribes in the formation of lexical-semantic word groups in the Northern dialect of the Azerbaijani language, Konul Samadova
Etymology and linguistic paleontology, Nurana Huseynova
Formation of adjectives and adverbs from verbs, Gunay Guliyeva
Core and periphery of the quality sphere, Narmin Mammadli
Ethnolinguistic analysis of descriptions of heaven and hell in Azerbaijani and English folk languages, Aysel Nuriyeva
The role of classical approaches in the formation of English grammar, Elvira Babayeva
Ways of expressing tensional categories in the participles (based on the language of the electronic media), Sema Veliyeva
Psycholinguistic factors in teaching English, Dilara Karimova
The role of repetitions in text formation, Maral Huseynova
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