Molla Panah Vagif and a word on Vagif’s Poetry Days, Isa Habibbeyli
The theme of “fugitives” in Naghi Sheykhzamanli’s heritage, Abid Tahirli
Huseyn Javid in Mahammad Amin Rasulzade’s researches, Lutviyye Asgerzade
Ali bey Huseynzade as one of the founders of the Society “Union and Progress”, Azer Abilov (Azer Turan)
The poetry of Gulkhani Panah, Bahar Mammadova (Bardali)
Gulam Mammadli and the magazine “Molla Nasraddin”, Gulbeniz Babayeva
Embodiment of spiritual and moral perfection in Azerbaijani enlightened-realist children's prose, Sevinj Rasulova
Thinkers who left a trace in the Turkic world: Ali bey Huseynzade and Ahmed bey Agaoglu, Aytek Mammadova
Relations between theater and drama in modern theater studies (based on the work of Aydin Talibzadeh), Asmar Huseynova
A look at the creativity of Anvar Mammadkhanly, Dilara Adilgil
Traditional motives of love lyrics in 20th century Azerbaijani poetry, Akram Hasanov
The poems written in the genre of mukhammas in Azerbaijani poetry at the beginning of the 20th century (the Soviet period), Naila Mustafayeva
Enlightened-realist narratives in Azerbaijani literature at the beginning of the 20th century, Telli Aliyeva
Surrealistic traces in Chingiz Alioglu's poem “In the city of dreams”, Sabira Muzaffarli
Postmodernism in France and its prominent representatives, Nargiz Ismayilova
Spiritual-moral values in L.N.Tolstoy’s creativity and his religious philosophical thoughts (on the basis of writer’s Diaries), Aida Feyzullayeva
National memory in Tatar novels of of the 1980s, Mehman Hasanli
Negligence in the translation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel “The Devils” into Azerbaijani, Mahrukh Taghiyeva
The creation of the works with the content of sirat and their transformation to the tradition, Seyfaddin Altayli
The role of translation in the study of European literature in Azerbaijani philological thought of the first half of the 20th century, Leyla Ramazanova
The study of the main stages of Russian classical literature in Azerbaijan, Sevinj Khudiyeva
Rare autograph manuscript of the work “Miratu-l-ahlag” by Shamsaddin Sivasi, Inji Gasimli
Character of the devil in the dramaturgy of Huseyn Javid and Abdulhag Hamid, Rada Abbasova
The epic elements of love in the poem “Leyli and Majnun” by Nizami Ganjavi, Ulker Bahshiyeva
The reflection of the enlightenment ideals in Abdurauf Fitrat’s work “Munazere” and harmonies with “Molla Nasraddin”, Ilhame Sultanova
Understanding of human psychology in the work of Harold Pinter, Solmaz Alasgerova
Improvisation as a creative process in the art of Ashygs, Kemale Atakishiyeva
The cult of ancestors in Azerbaijani folklore, Zumrud Mansimova
On the expression of possession in the language of Azerbaijani tats, Gulsum Huseynova
Language and style features of the stories of Sabahaddin Ali, Nargiz Hajiyeva
Azerbaijani ktematonyms in the language of cinema, Fizuli Mustafayev
An overview of the main methods of word-formation in modern English, Firuza Karimova
Etymological characteristics of Garakilsa (Sisian) toponyms, Elnura Huseynova
Historiсal-dialectological description of the Iraqi-Turkman, Kubra Guliyeva
Constant expressions with toponym components in languages with different systems and their linguistic characteristics, Gunay Aliyeva
On the relationship of language and culture, Taire Akhundova
The issue of relationship between language and thinking, Ayten Huseynova
Image of Fuzuli in monumental sculpture, Artegin Salamzade
Theme of Nakhchivan in creativity of Elmira Shahtahtinskaya, Gulrena Mirza Gajar
The image of Fizuli in the creative quest of carpet artists, Aida Sadigova
The classifications of artistic speech – content, analysis and practical styles of music art, Elmira Akhundova
Description of architectural monuments on carpets, Leyla Mammadkarimova
Muhammad Hadi in a new culturological thinking, Namig Abbasov
Formation and perception of the national traditional ornament: the complexity and the simplicity, Farida Guliyeva
The considerations on the new clothing style of ashugs, Farida Mirishova
Analysis of some dance themes in the piano works of Gara Garayev and Fikret Amirov, Nigar Mammadova
Poetics outlines of the national theater direction, Shahla Heydarli
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