The attitude to Europe in Huseyn Javid`s creative work: (Uchurum) “The Cliff”, Tarana Gabulova
Kamal Ummi and the work of “Hazireyi Quds”, Aysel Ajalova
Romantic lyrics of Samad Vurgun, Leyla Hasenova
Religious metaphors in media discourse, Dilbar Orujova
The context of bazaar folklore in Azerbaijani fairy tales summary, Ulker Aliyeva
The series of epics “Anshibay Batyr and his descendants”, Gumru Shehriyar
The plot and composion of epic “Benu Hilal”, Sevinj Hazratquliyeva
Related to the scythian-sarmatian Turks in Nakhchivan toponyms myths of api, papayi, goytosir and zangi, Firudin Rzayev
Complex sentences without subordinate in Huseyn Razi’s poems and their style points, Arifa Zeynalova
Some lexical characteristics of the language of Huseyn Ibrahimov’s works, Abbasova Arzu
The process of translation into English and the place of Romanisms in this process, Firuza Karimova
The role of linguists from Nakhchivan in the development of Germanic studies in Azerbaijan, Ganira Asgarova
The issue of cognitive-speech strategies and linguistic identity in political discourse, Nigar Babayeva
Gender differences in the paremiology of the Azerbaijani language: marriage and motherhood, Gunay Babayeva
Preparation of classical works for publication and textual works, Fakhraddin Eylazov
Usage sphere of oxymoron, Javid Babayev
The comparative analyze of case category of noun in the Azerbaijani and Arabic language, Khaver Guliyeva
Social and political terms beginning wıth g, h, j, k, q, l, n, r, ç, s, t belonging to the English language in explanatory dictionaries of the Azerbaijani language, Ayten Babayeva
French family proverbs and proverbs, Gunay Maharramova
Historical conditions of English language relations, Khanim Shamilova
About the study of promoes in Azerbaijani linguistics, Kamala Shafiyeva
Mehriban Monsumova - Lexical cohesion in media news discourse, Leila Hajiyeva
Typological analysis of coloristic phraseologisms in the Azerbaijan and French languages, Azize Aliyeva
Source language to target language translation methods of realists, Taire Akhundova
Functional suffixes and psycholinguistics in Azerbaijanian and Turkish languages, Parvina Garibova
Heaven and hell as mythological places in fictional discourse, Aysel Nuriyeva
Onomastic units in word formation of the Azerbaijani language and their cognitive-functional characteristics, Valida Abbasbeyli
In the formation of the creative style of Uzeyir Hajibeyli and Muslım Magomayev the role of folk music, Inara Maharramova
Theater in Nakhchivan: a scientific-theoretical view of the literary-cultural environment and the emergence of the theatre, Ali Gahramanov
Landscape genre in painting teaching patriotic, aesthetic and ecological education aspects, Habiba Allahverdiyeva
Jahangir Jahangirov’s song creativity, Sevda Mutallimova
Friendship caricatures published in “kirpi” tirical magazine during 1980-1991, Bayram Hajizadeh
Modern performance techniques in Turkar Qasimzade’s works: philosophical and musical approaches to performance, Nargiz Aliyeva
Musical stage works of Azerbaijan composers abroad, Gulara Vazirova
Music folklore expeditions in the regions Igdir and Kars of Turkiye, Gunay Mammadova
Similar and different features of the “Song” genre and “Classified”, Nuriye Huseynova
Azerbaijani jewelry art, Nermin Kerimli
Prominent representatives of Nakhchivan School of Music, Aysel Novruzova
Creation, importance and characteristics of an authentic learning environment, Rubaba Mammadova
Azerbaijani folk music, mughams, Oqtay Sherifov
Maestro Niyazi, Irada Karimova
Life and creativity of Zulfugar Hajibeyov (according to archival materials), Fidan Nasirova-Ahmedova
National clothing and ornaments of the people living in the Balakan area in the 19th-20th centuries, Aygul Khalilova
The influence of sufi philosophy in the works of modern Turkish composers Hasan Ucharsu and Ali Ozkan Manav, Aysel Alakbarova
The essence of the use of computer technology in music lessons, Novrasta Ismailzade
Composition features of Aqshin Alizade’s ballet “Babek”, Kamilla Aliyeva
The significance of the performing arts of A.Bakikhanov and B.Mansurov in the development of the performing school of the tar instrument in Azerbaijan, Amaliya Agayeva
The role of “Kochari” yalli in Nakhchivan music folklore, Gunay Ismayilova
From the history of operetta, Rukhsara Huseynova
Medieval sculpture of European countries, Samira Aliyeva
Educational infrastructure from the XIX century analysis of evolution, Sevinj Ajalova
Proposals on the organization of transportation infrastructure facilities in liberated areas, Chimnaz Aydinova
The role of interdiclinary research in studying Interconnections between the arts, Rana Mammadova (Sarabskaya)