Logical-functional characteristics of terms and concepts in the compilation of terminological dictionaries, Sayali Sadigova
The formation of technic terminology Azerbaijani language, Hamidova Matanat
Methodological issues of modern Azerbaijani language lexicon, Gulchin Sofiyeva
On reconciliation in the language of cinema, Fizuli Mustafayev
Pragmatic characteristics of ambiguity, Matanat Gojayeva
Representation of gender differences in contemporary Azerbaijani publicistic discourse, Gunay Babayeva
Classification of cases in Turkic languages, Elnare Aliyeva
Modern Azerbaijan by Afad Gurbanov problems of literary language, Mehri Imanguliyeva
The concept of prosody and intonation, Shahnabad Ismail
Phytonyms In The Language Of The XV Century Oghuz Monument" Jamshid And Khurshid", Arzu Iskenderzade
Lexical way in publicistic style word creation, Sakina Alieva
Etymological views of Ferdinand de Saussure, Nurana Huseynova
Some of Azerbaijan anthroponyms of Arabic origin phonetic features, Ibrahim Fathallah Abdelfatah Elsayed
The place of the category of gender in the noun system of Old English, Aliyeva Lamiya
Predicatives in A.Abdullayev 's Linguistic Research, Sabina Mukhtarova
Sources of computational linguistics terminology, Nigar Nagiyeva
On the study of negative sentences in the lessons in Russian as a foreign language, Aytan Alieva
Phraseological unit as a linguistic phenomenon, Sabina Nuraliyeva
Borrowings in scientific style during the years of independence, Mehriban Aliyeva
Fixed expressions with anthroponymous components and their functionalization in languages with different systems, Gunay Aliyeva
Problems of linguistic culture on Agamusa Akhundov's researches, Chinara Yolchubeyli
Principles of determining explicit and implicit word semantics, Nigar Seyidova
Ethnotoponyms of Karabakh in Azerbaijani and Armenian sources, Aynur Mirzayeva
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