Supporters of objective criticism in Turkish literature, Khuraman Gadimova
Images of philosophers in the poem of Nizami Ganjavi "Iskender-name", Yelena Teer
Social and religious themes in the poems of Hafez Shirazi, Rauf Guluzade
Similarities between Sumerian and Pan-turkic mythology, Sevinj Nuriyeva (Mammadova)
Bibliography of the study of ethnocultural ties of the peoples of the South Caucasus in the era of antiquity (IV century BC - V century AD), Sevda Samadova
Prospects of relations between Azerbaijan and Central Asian countries, Nadejda Asadova
Systematic character of the fight against terrorism within the framework of international organizations and its problems, Ilkin Ahmedzade
Azerbaijan-Belarus: strategic partnership and prospects for its development, Sevda Ibrahimova
The role of the "Contract of the Century" in the socio-cultural and economic development of Azerbaijan, Elman Novruzov
The political interests and balancing attempts of the US in Turkey-Iran relations, Ali Aliyev