The light of Heydar Aliyev’s genius, Isa Habibbayli
Heydar Aliyev’s training of literature and modern era, Tehran Alishanoglu
Ethnocultural diversity in Azerbaijan against the background of Heydar Aliyev’s ideas, Vugar Karimli
The period of Heydar Aliyev in the development of science and education in Azerbaijan, Saadet Mustafayeva
Historical roots of Azerbaijani statehood traditions in the Southern region, Reyhana Sadikhova
Changing of aesthetic ideal and mission of master in national poetry (On the basis of early lyrics of sixtiers), Yashar Gasimbeyli
Reflection of divine harmony and historical realities in the works of Mir Mohsun Navvab, Khuraman Hummatova
Artistic images of poets and writers in the works of Islam Safarli, Salida Sharifova
Historical view on the problem of Turkic unity, Aytek Mammadova
Abdulla Shaig and his book “Gulshani-Adabiyyat”, Aynura Aliyeva
The poetic heritage of Sarraf Gasim, Nigar Isayeva
Outstanding literary critic-scientist Zaman Asgerli, Afag Aliyeva
Alirza Nabdil Okhtay's socio-political opinions, Fikrat Suleymanoglu
Reflection of national spirit in creative activity of Ilyas Efendiyev, Nurana Asadullayeva
The reflection of Leyli images in Leyla image, Lale Alekperova
Artistic reflection of the truths of life in Mammadhuseyn Aliyev's stories, Khalida Rahimova
The rhyme and radif in Nematullah Kishwari’s lyric poetry (On the basis of his diwan in the native language), Konul Ahmedova
Print stories by Mammadaga Sultanov, Tamilla Maharramzadeh
Study circumstance of Almas Ildirim’s emigrancy life and creativity, Hulya Jabiyeva
Nevizade Atayi`s “Haft Khan” masnavi, Lala Pashayeva
Translations of Muhammad Hadi from poets of Iran and South Azerbaijan of the 20th century, Aybaniz Rustamova
Uzeyir Hajibeyli's parliamentary impressions, Leman Mukhtarova
Contemporary Ardabil literary environment, Sadiyye Khanlarova
The literary environment of Karabakh: foundation and formation, Zulfiyya Mammadhuseynova
Review of scientific researches by Salida Sharifova, literary theorist, Mammad Aliyev
Commentary and literary treatise genres in Azerbaijani literary criticism, Gulshan Zeynalova
Functional-expressive features of means of artistic expression (Based on Azerbaijani lyrics of the 18th century), Fidan Alizade
A poet who skillfully enriches satirical poetry, Nizami Mammadov Tagisoy
Henrik Sienkiewicz (1846-1916), Guler Abdullabeyli
Genre features of the text of translation (The problems of translation of the lyrical type), Lyudmila Samedova
The role of translation in the human history, Aynur Nazarova
Epos about Ashug Alasgar – dream motive in the narratives, Tansu Rasulova
Structure and functionality of love legends, Ayten Hajiyeva
The title Yabgu and personal name in “Oghuzname”, Islam Sadig
Сombinations of the verb – verb type in the cinema language, Fizuli Mustafayev
Linguistic characteristics of paremiological language units in the works of Nagi Nagiyev, Zulfiyya Ismayil, Arifa Zeynalova
A theoretical view at history of family-household style in Azerbaijani literary language, Samira Mardanova
Synthetic imperative mood of the verb in the Indo-European languages, Leyla Yusifova
Theoretical basis for studying of male and female discourse in the light of cross-cultural pragmatics, Gunay Babayeva
Characteristics of usage of dialecticisms defining customs and ceremonial names in artistic language, Gulnar Agakishiyeva
Classification of reconceptualization in translation and its cognitive basis, Nigar Babayeva
The scientific-theoretical view on the issues of “translated literature and our literary language” by professor Nizami Khudiyev, Gulshen Garibova
Fine arts and science. The 20th exhibition, Artegin Salamzadeh, Khazar Zeynalov
Description of music science formed by Islamic culture: expression purposes of natural, unnatural sounds and musical instruments, Elmira Akhundova
Mehdi Mammadov's studies on theater, Nurlana Mammadova
“Wordless” caricatures created by Azerbaijan artists speaking in an international language, Kamala Mustafayeva
Aesthetic principles of Azerbaijani miniature, Sevinj Gurbanova
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