Three pillars of the historical phenomenon of Heydar Aliyev, Said Hasan Mushajiyev
Heydar Aliyev and strategy development city Khankendi (1970-1985), Nazim Mammadov
A long journey from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkiye (To the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkiye), Tofik Melikli
Azerbaijan and the Usa: Scientific and technical relations in the field of oil industry (20-30s of the 20th century), Tamilla Kerimova-Kojayeva
On the legislative acts of the tsarist Russia for the spread of Christianity among the Muslims of the Caucasus (1801-1860 years), Irada Aliyeva
History of Karabakh in the Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire (Editions I and II), Samira Rahimova
On the history of the administrative-territorial administration of the Surmali district of the Irevan province in the late XIX – early XX centuries, Haji Hasanov
H.Z.Taghiyev as an honorary sponsor of the Baku Secondary Technical School, Ramil Niftaliyev
The role of sericulture in the formation of capitalist relations in the Sheki region after the Russian conquest, Anar Mammadov
On ethnic history of Nakhchivan region, Ismayil Hajiyev
Security in the South Caucasus: current realities and prospects, Irada Baghirova
An overview of Azerbaijani diaspora activities in the United States of America and Canada, Mahir Ibrahimov
Development of modern German security policy and strategy (1991-2016), Javid Mammadli
"Pakistan: short historical and political essays", Shahin Fazil
Edward J.Erickson. Ottomans and Armenians: a study in counterinsurgency, Eldar Aliyev
To the book of “Caucasian Albania: an international handbook” (De Gruyter publishing house), edited by Jost Gippert and Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Ellada Bakirova
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