“The Book of Dada Gorgud”: From Heydar Aliyev to Ilham Aliyev, Isa Habibbayli
Mir Jalal – coryphaeus of Azerbaijani literature of 20th century, Tehran Alishanoglu
M.F.Akhundzada’s East-West creative synthesis and modernization programme, Aida Feyzullayeva
Second type “Karabakh novel” example – documentary novel “Victory of the conquerors” (Special purposes), Salida Sharifova
Personal archive of Mirza Fatali Akhundzade, Naila Samadova
The concepts of sky and mountain in “Kitabi-Siratun-Nabi”, Seyfeddin Altayli
The book of “Hamasah” and the role of Khatib Tabrizi in Arabic literary studies, Ulker Zakirgizi (Mammadova)
The poetry of Ahmad Javad: from classical tradition to contemporary literary values, Shargiya Mammadli
1980s in the years of independence – Avdi Goshgar, Bahar Mammadova (Bardali)
Moral values that live throughout history, Aytek Mammadova
Problems of national romanticism in a new context of research (Based on the work of Yashar Garayev “Tragedy and the Hero”), Leyla Allahverdiyeva
The subject of Iran and South Azerbaijan in Mahammad Hadi's poems, Aybaniz Rustamova
Jamshid Amirov's story “Olub, olub” as an artistic example of detective prose, Seyidnise Letifli
Scientists and specialists of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli in the international arena, Sakina Ismayilova
Mahammad Fuzuli creativity in the research of Salim Refig Refioglu, Sevinj Pashayeva
The performative function of prayers in the poetry of Vagif, Rustam Kamal
Issues of Russian literature in the scientific heritage of Mikayil Rafili, Asmar Huseynova
The characteristics of usage of phenomenological and noumenalogical fictional reality in magic realism, Vusala Mirzayeva
Common literary values of Azerbaijan-Iragi-Turkmen, Orkhan Isayev
Psychoanalysis of literature: methodological foundations and theoretical criteria, Sughra Alakbarli
Genre characteristics of literature sample “Pages from my life” (autobiography or memoir), Ulvi Mikayilov
Literature issues in the satirical magazine “Zanbur”, Vugar Ahmad
Karabakh war in the global media: realities and double standards, Namig Ahmadov
A glance at our periodical press in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Sabina Ahmadova
The problems of the early twentieth century in the feuilletons of Ali Nazmi, Samira Guliyeva
Lyric poet and publicist Konstantin Simonov, Ofelya Ismailova
The work “Khosrov and Shirin” by Nizami Ganjavi in the translation of Fakhraddin Yaqub ibn Mahammad Fakhri, Samira Aliyeva
The mawlid ceremony in Azerbaijan from past to present, Maleyka Mammadova
Mukhammas in Azerbaijani ashug poetry, Khanim Mirzayeva
Ways of creation of urban folklore texts, Ulkar Aliyeva
Word-building suffixes written in two and three forms in the Azerbaijani language, Islam Sadig
The possessive category in medieval Turkic scientific works, Shabnam Hasanli-Garibova
Onomastic units in Shumerian eposes, Nargiz Hajiyeva
Comparative analysis of lataifs (anecdotes) in Nasimi’s language and lexical units related to them with Indian philosophy, Khadija Heydarova
About conjugation of verb with postposition in the language of cinema, Fizuli Mustafayev
Language as a neurological fact and its relationship to the brain, Mansura Ahmadova
Conceptualization of the world in language, Nigar Babayeva
Lexical repetitions in ancient monuments, Sevinj Fataliyeva
Factors determining the development of polysemy, Ilhama Khanaliyeva
Features of flora vocabulary in Nakhchivan dialects and toponyms, Elnura Huseynova
Cognitive-semantic analysis of fixed phraseological expressions – proverbs, Ayten Mammadova
The use of toponyms as part of figurative comparison in English publicistic texts, Banovsha Ibrahimova
Phonetic characteristics of the language of the national press in the period of ADR (1918-1920), Khaver Nesirli
Statesman Heydar Aliyev and Art, Samir Samadov
The embodiment of the landscape of Western Azerbaijan in the works of the artist Ali Ismail, Khazar Zeynalov
The first Azerbaijani theater founded in Irevan – past and present of Irevan State Azerbaijan Dramatic Theatre, Gulkhare Ahmedova
Cultural ties as an important part of the integration process in the context of Azerbaijani-Tatar relations, Ellada Abbasova
Formation of musical culture during the Islamic Renaissance period, Elmira Akhundova
The role of national leader Heydar Aliyev in destiny and creativity of Elmira Shahtakhtinskaya, Gulrena Mirza Qajar
The role of information exchange in communications, Gulchin Kazimi
Scanning electron microscopy study of wool fibers in the flatwowen “Zili” carpet from the late 19th century, Durdana Gadirova, Akif Guliyev
The visual language of ornament reflecting the historical past of modern nations, Farida Guliyeva
Functional significance of bardasht in mugham dastgah “Shushtar”, Fardin Mahammadzada
Karabakh carpets decorating houses, Farida Mir-Bagirzade
Preparing the poster for the printing, Sevinj Gurbanova
Social motives in “New Wave” of Kyrgyz cinema, Kamran Gasimov
The role of the cultural method in the history of culture in the first half of the 20th century, Parvana Ibrahimova
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