Functional and general of theoretical issues of terminography, Sayali Sadigova
Names of clothing accessories of Turkish origin in Russian: kаlitа, kаrmаn, kаpturga and kapchuk, Minakhanym Nuriyeva Tekleli
Terminology in the field of nuclear energy in the Azerbaijani language based on English, Nargiz Haciyeva, Nigar Sadiqova
Principal peculiarities of term acquisition, Lala Gurbanova
Semiotics as a direction of linguistics, Gunay Babayeva
Phrases and syntax in the language of cinema, Fizuli Mustafayev
The means of expression of case category in modern Azerbaijani and Russian languages, Gultekin Aliyeva
Word pearls of “Kitabi-Dade Gorgud”, Esmira Kulieva, Durdana Nagieva
Pragmatic aspects of the communication process, Parvin Bayramova
Semantic potential and features of the formation of French anthroponyms, Vafa Sеyid
Some characteristics of the conditional branch sentence, L.V. Qocayeva, D.A. Nagiyeva
Different directions of Azerbaijani linguistics, Sadagat Jumayeva
About the lexical units transferred from English to Azerbaijan language in the years of independence, Raxila Abasbeyli
Lexical-semantic system of the epics “Kitabi-Dade Gorgud”, “beowulf”, “the story of the Igor regiment”; and “song of the nibelungs”, Sevinj Fataliyeva
A look at the processes of conceptualization and categorization, Nigar Babayeva
Etymology and semantic basis of the termination of the expression (governance), Manaf Bagirzade
Syntactical means used in the formation of English advertisment texts, Zumrud Farzaliyeva
Examination of some issues related to communicative grammar of foreign language, Zumrud Zeynalova
Language as a social institution in the context of intercultural and inter-civilizational relations, Solmaz Ahmadova
Linguistic features of 21st-century non-standard French in the novels of Faïza Guène, S.A. Nasirov
The oretical problems of folklore onomastics, Rafiq Mammadov
Used on both sides of compound words derivational function of grammatical elements, Ganira Mammadzada
Base word in analytic verbs and its scene of origin, Mahemmed Valiyev
On the characteric features of information in musical works, Fidan Alakbarova
Advertise in the Republic of Azerbaijan regulatory and legal basis of regulation, Afaq Hajiyeva
The future tense of the verb in Azerbaijani and Russian languages, Aynur Agamaliyeva, Aygun Mirzayeva
Emotional communication models and their main features, Adelya Farzaliyeva
Translation problems of multiple meaning words, Ilhama Khanaliyeva
English borrowings and spheres of their use within the framework of globalization in the German and Azerbaijanian languages, Gunel Mehdizade
Verbalization of the concept "Karabakh" in Azerbaijani language, Tamilla Naibova
Divergences in vocabulary between American and English variants, Mehriban Safarova
Tofiq Hajiyev and the history of literary language key terms, Aygun Axmedova
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